Well, have you? I've signed up again this year. How could I not? Last years blogtoberfest was so much fun, and kept me motivated not only to blog, but to keep up the creating so I actually had something to blog. I managed to blog every day of blogtoberfest last year, sometimes even more than once a day. This year I have actually been thinking and planning on things to do, so maybe it may even be exciting blogging!
This month I plan to have a few refashions done, and hopefully some actual garment making as well.
I plan to have at least 2 tutorials done.
I will be joining in with the regular memes like My creative space and Flea market finds.
And there will be weekly giveaways to boot!
Head over to tinniegirls blog and get all the details about blogtoberfest. Why not sign up while you're there, we'd love to have you join in the festivities!
Make sure to pop back tomorrow for Day 1. There may even be a giveaway involved.