Still playing with my new baby.
Taking photos of the new items I'm going to try out at Handmade Heaven. Made with a vintage pattern, I am loving how these are turning out. The problem I am having though is trying to figure out how to price them. What would you pay for something like this?
Oh that is lovely - I'm terrible at working out what to charge for things.....but as a general rulle i think you should try and work out how much it cost in materials and your time and then double it....and use that as the starting point...
I love how your fabrics create wonderful textures, you just want to run your hands over it , which is hard to do when looking at it on the internet! I would pay over $60?!
if you were to put a price on your work that actually covered ALL your time + creativity + materials, no-one could actually afford it! The pity of selling handmade is that we have to underprice the item so that people will buy. I hope you can come up with a happy medium
I would have to agree with katy...
$50 $60..even though I think it would need to be more as I am sure the amount of time that has gone into making it...and the beautiful material as well...but you never get the amount of time costed into these things...
That bear is gorgeous! I love the old chenille and fabrics on it and the chocolate ribbon is the perfect touch. You're very talented! $50 would be a good price. If you go much higher, you will price out more potential buyers.
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