
Now all I have to do is get hubby to vacuum and it's all done.
Thanks for all the supportive messages yesterday. It was one of the hardest posts I have done. I felt very exposed, but I'm so glad I put it out there. Very therapeutic. Very liberating.
I'm heading off to The Handmade Expo tomorrow to help them celebrate their 1st birthday. I hope to pick up a few goodies and feel all inspired again to get creative.
Looking fabulous! Love the wooden frame/fabric pocket storage thingy on the drawers. I saw some at Spotlight but there was no price on them. Then my father asked me if I wanted my Grandmothers sewing basket, and one of these is what he means! Can't wait to get it!
Fingers crossed y our space stays this way for awhile, as mine never seems to... especially when a new project picks me up and grabs me...
You really have done a fabulous job, Selina. I know what you mean about feeling exposed, though... I feel that way about those blog awards where you have to reveal things about yourself I've only done one but I felt like I was standing naked on the screen!! ;) Hmmm... anyway, where was I? Oh yes, exposure... to my eyes you have exposed a most beautiful and organised room full of so many yummy goodies that I'm sure envy-barometer has gone through the roof :) K
Good for you Selina... for the cleaning, the organising, the exposing (!!!) and the liberation!
Have fun at the Expo.
Congrats on making your workspace so beautiful.
I love your new workspace. It turned out wonderfully. I'm sure it feels wonderful to have it done.
Yay! I can totally relate to that great feeling after finally biting the bullet and cleaning up little miss' creative space. Your space Looks lovely!
You did an awesome job of tidying up your creative space and I love how your hubby does the vacuuming!!
Thanks so much for supporting my giveaway :-)
It looks great!!! So much work but I know you will enjoy having room to work. What a wonderful space you have to work in.
What a great job it looks fantastic ! Now will you please come and do mine ?
Wow! You did this in TWO days? I took months to change my unspeakable room to one the I enjoy. You're amazing. And if you aren't up to crafting it is probably just the exhaustion from doing all that work. My room still gets a bit messy but things have their space now and I try to put all finished material, properly folded back where it belongs within a few days of pulling it out, if not the immediate day. Cherrie
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