My creative space, of late, has not been very creative. I have piled high the crap, and left it there. Closed the door to it. And I have in turn felt like crap. I love to feel like even if I'm not actually making anything that I'm still surrounded by beautiful things. My little craft room has given off bad vibes. I lost the sewjo. It was time to take action.
This week I have been cleaning it out. I'm almost done. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, and oh how bright it is! Along the way I have found the ideas blooming. The sewjo really is returning.
Please don't judge me too harshly.
More creative peeps here.
Wow! Your space looks amazing now. I tidied up this week too, but still don't look anywhere near as good as you. Great job
I bet those creative juices are flowing now!!! It looks awesome. You go girl!!!
Fantastic! What a transformation! Your before pics look a lot like half of my lounge and bedroom :/
Oh wow, it looks so beautiful and neat and tidy. I bet you're loving it in there now!
Wow, what a difference! At least it must have been a rewarding acheievement! Love the 'sewjo', I definately will be borrowing this term from you!
What a transformation!
Its amazing how clutter and mess can completely zap your mojo.
Wow-What a huge feels good to have everything neat and orderly, doesn't it! It looks great!
Oh Selina, there is NOOOO judgement. To the untrained eye, it make seem like just a biut of packing up. But it takes a fellow crafter to really appreciate the time, energy, effort and creativeness needed to tackle such a big job. The end result is amazing... and how great to have found your sewjo hiding in there!
it looks fantastic! wish my workspace was as clean and organized as yours!
Those photos tweak my old buried chenille addiction....
a little organising does bring back inspiration :) i should try tidying up my room a little to bring back more umph in my work!
Oh wow!!!! That looks so amazing and yes SO INSPIRING! Good on you Selina! :) K
That is a job to celebrate! You have inspired me to do the same with my material cupboard...well very soon indeed!
Wow! What an awesome difference. I bet it took some hard work, but it's so pretty now. I hope you enjoy it!
What a difference! I think I'm inspired to maybe organise my own crafting space! Not too quickly of course - I'll put it into the thinking box in my brain, but some good things come out of there from time to time!
I'm looking forward to seeing the result of organising your space - I often find that my workspace reflects the chaos of my mind. So if that's true for you, your crafty brain is about to get ultra-productive!
Oh you are my inspiration and my role model-By the end of August I want to have done just what you have done only in all my home and garden...Well done you!!
Oh Selina! Your before photo made me LOL literally! It is exactly how my craft room looks right now. That's why my creative space post this week is from my kitchen. You have inspired me to tackle the chaos in the craft room. The "after" shots are fabulous and very motivating. Thanks for sharing :)Love Anita. xxx
Judge you harshly? Are you kidding? I am going to shower you with praise! That is AMAZING lady! Well done! God your stash makes my two little cubes look positively hilarious! So glad you have to sewjo back (hilarious word btw!). And I know exactly what you mean about the feeling that even though you may not be finding the time to craft, you want to know that if you can even just steal away five minutes that everything is prepped and ready to go ... or sewgo ;)
I really need to go and do some of that sort of sorting RIGHT NOW!
Go you!
You've done a fabulous job. It all looks wonderful.
Wow what a fantastic transformation. I hope you feel great and proud and that you will treat yourself to lots of time to be creative in your space! :-)
No way! The transformation is just amazing. And the transformation in you must have totally worth the work in getting it all straightened out!
I can feel your sewjo vibes from here!
oh my goodness. my heart beat a little faster when I saw all of your fabric and then it totally skipped when i gazed apon shelves and shelves on deliciously organized piles of it.........i covet your fabric stash
Hehe, that's mighty impressive...feels good doesn't it? You can go silly now :-)
I cannot relax to create if I can see piles of stuff needing order. Somehow I associate order with tranquility and calm. That is why when I look at your before and after photos a big smile grows on my face. (Yes, living in Switzerland suits me fine! hahaha)
No, not judging you harshly at all, just wondering whether you're for hire?! You've done an amazing job and I don't think we'd be honest if we didn't admit to our piling-upness that sneaks in at times. Well done, now get back and enjoy that crafting!
Hello, kindred spirit! Thank God I do not sell fabric for a living, because my stash as it is is appallingly messy. Yours looks glorious - before AND after! Nicer to work in the latter space though...
Hi Selina
I arrived home tonight with the groceries to find your delightful package. It is just lovely. How could you think that I'd be disappointed. The fabric is so unusual and the colour suits our bathroom perfectly. I'm looking forward to having a long hot soak in the bath and enjoying. I'll post a photo on my blog after I've cooked and eaten dinner. Thanks so much.
By the way, your sewing room looks lovely after your big tidy. My craft stuff looks much more like your "before" shot, but is all over the house.
Hi Selina. I take my hat off to you, just for commencing the job. Well done. Isn't it amazing how a physical mess can have such an impact mentally? Spectacular job, and very conducive to creativity!
What judging? That is a super-fantastic 'After', you should be proud. If only my 'After' were as wonderful :)
Judge you - no way, any way you want to come around and work through mine. It will make your "mess" look very tame
WOW! Selina that is some transformation! Hope you popped a bottle of bubbly over it, it looks brilliant. Welcome back SEWJO!
what a lot of work! it looks amazing! the tiny touch of ocd in me would probably have fun with all that organization. only for about an hour though. then it's work! great job. ^_^
Wow! That's an impressive transformation!!
It only looked little messy compared to how mine gets.... :)
It looks awesome now. Look at all that fabric! Love how it is sorted by colour, cute and practical.
Oh wow, your sewing room looks wonderful now. I can imagine you found your sewjo back in there, who wouldn't be inspired surrounded by those neat piles of colourful fabrics. Can't wait to see what you are inspired to create!
What a beautiful, colourful, inspiring space you have created.
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