I was catching up on some blog reading in the first few days of the year, after all the crazy Christmas trading had me working more hours, and I came across a blog post by tinniegirl that got me thinking. In it she mentioned about her "word for the year" and I remembered how she had written this post the year before about the same thing. I briefly sat back and thought, what would my word be for the year, if I were to choose one. Immediately the word "explore" popped into my mind. Now, I'm not one to usually get into this sort of thing, so it was a little weird that any word at all would come to mind.
Over the next few days this word kept entering my head, so I let it, and I think it really does encapsulate all of the intentions I have for 2012. So, I'm going to lay it all out here, and give me some accountable record I can look back on over the year and see how it's all going. Just indulge me here won't you?!
I want to explore new crafts, and rediscover some old ones. I think knitting in particular, crochet didn't quite feel right in my hand. I also want to explore the silversmithing class I looked into briefly last year (or the year before??).
I want to explore new directions for my crafts. Maybe more retail outlets or even a bigger market environment, one with a bit more exposure (and where people are willing to pay more!).
I want to explore new friendships, and put myself out there a bit more. It's hard to make new friends at 36!
I want to literally explore more of this country! I do have plans for a trip to Melbourne this year (yeh Melbourne bloggers, look out!) but there are also places only a short drive away that I haven't been to yet.
I want to explore more options for my health. I need to stop living in denial so much and make a real effort, a real change. No one but me can do this, and I need to do it now.
I need to explore "yes". Not later, not tomorrow, not another day. Yes. Let's do that now. This one has been sitting quite close on my heart this last few days in particular. One of the roads I travel on up to 10 times a week heading to and from work claimed a life in a very tragic traffic accident. It happened only an hour before I was on it, heading home from work. She too was heading home, to the same suburb I live in, to a child the same age as mine, and this has left me feeling quite upset. I've lived with the knowledge that my illness will probably take my life, but there are still so many unexpected circumstances that can take it all away anyway. So no more "tomorrow", I need to say yes today.
So thank you Cathy, you somehow always manage to put the right post up at the right time for me, whether I tell you that or not. Here's to exploring all that this year has to offer!
Fantastic post Selina!XXJ
I hope exploring brings you much joy this year.
Beautiful post, Selina. Life is too short, I am feeling this more the older I get. You can, and will, make new friends.
Since moving to HK 5 months ago, I have had to put myself out there, and have met some lovely people, one of them will be a friend for life, we have really connected. Happens when you least expect it too :)
Lovely to meet you, new friend!
Don't wait! it's even harder to make new friends at 63!!!
Beautiful post selina, good stuff & some sad stuff too.
Hope your year of exploration is filled with lots of good stuff.
Hope to see you in melbourne
hugs x
I'm soooooooo excited that you're coming to Melbourne. I.CANNOT.WAIT.
You are not too old to make new friends! We moved to France when I was 50 and didn't know anyone....just start a conversation with someone and you are away. and of course you have loads of bloggy friends all over the World. Life is very short and the older you get the more that becomes obvious. Live for today is now my motto. Hugs Linda
Put on your best pith helmet and go for it Selina! All the best for 2012! x
I love your word and that it just arrived like that. What a sensational word. I hope your year is full of all sorts of amazing exploration and discoveries.
Thanks so much for your kind words Selina.
beautiful words, love the new word :)
Life is really brought back into perspective when an accident so close to home occurs xxx
Hello Selina,
Lovely blog you have here. Just letting you know that I have used the same image you have used on this bost on my website. Just wondering if that's ok with you?
If not please let me know and I will take it down asap.
Thank You
Hi Tristan,
It's actually not my image. I've put a link on this post to the original place I found it, maybe you need to ask there?? Hope that helps some!
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