I can't seem to focus on just one thing this week. So this photo is exactly how my head is feeling, cluttered and unorganised. I have the apron for the swap to finish, a little bunny who I am just not sure is working the way I want it too, the finishing touch to my peg bag (the baby coat hangers, which will probably feature in this Sundays flea market finds), the little peg guy stitchery from last week all finished ready to be made into a peg bag (yes, you all guessed right!), and some wooden clothes pegs that I picked up from the $2 shop that I am trying to figure out how to age. I tried the coffee and oven trick on one and it came out just dirty looking and reeking of coffee. Anyone have any tips?
For hopefully more well organised spaces, head over to Kirsty's.
I use tea to stain my fabrics. It works well. It's awful having things hanging over you isn't it? I'm feeling much better now that my apron is ready to post. I never thought I'd get to this point a while back.
I have stained fabrics with tea before and gotten a good effect but have never used coffee. Your space looks busy. I have those weeks too when there is a lot to finish and nothing gets completely done.
The embroidery on your peg bag is looking great and I love those little hangers. Not sure how to age your pegs but bleach might work? Depends what you are going for. I always remember my Nan's wooden pegs looking almost grey with age after years in the sun. Good luck with it all!
i'm the same! can't concentrate on one thing for very long before being distracted by something else and the head does end up cluttered and I never know where to start. I love the match of colours in your picture though ~ such a sweet combo.
I love your peg bag embroidery and I think your bunny is looking great.
Funny how one crafter's clutter is another's treasure. Your space looks all pretty and girly and gorgeous to me.
Love the little peg guy.
I've never tried ageing wood. But when I age my mohair or fabric, I used dye, often a mix of grey and tan (gives a more dirty aged colour), coffee, tea and parisian essence. To create staining on a head I dilute a tsp of parisian essence in a jar of water and paint it on in places, and do a few layers but not directly on top of each other to get an uneven look. I would sand the wood a bit too, more in some places and not at all in others..
Any help?
Gulp - I actually haven't started my apron! No thoughts on ageing pegs apart from using a wood stainer. Love the embroidery.
it looks like you're having a load of fun this week. have you tried lightly sanding back the pegs incase they have some treatment on them then soak in some strong tea or the like.
I think this kind of "disorganization" indicates a creative mind at work - keep up the good work! I love seeing what you are up to.
Your space looks full of promise and loveliness!
I'm thinking that you could paint the pegs and then sand them back??? It might work to make them looked aged. Good luck figuring it out.
A very busy space with lots of fun to be had. I love the little peg embroidery. Very lovely.
I'd better get cracking on my apron too!! You are a busy bee...and I know the feeling of being a bit snowed under. Sending an extra long crafty day for tomorrow your way :)
My space is always disorganised these days ,at least yours looks interesting .
How to age those pegs? My Grandma's always had a lovely worn look from just being on the washing line in the weather. Maybe that might work. How about distressing them as you do furniture with a few random bangs of a hammer, scratches on the concrete or give them a trip in the washing machine or even a concrete mixer. No, not joking about the mixer as it has bits of scratchy concrete on the inside of the drum and the turn and drop of the bowl might just do the trick.
to age pegs you could use shoe polish or even stamping ink. i haven't tried it before.
My Creative Space
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